Most frequent questions and answers

Yes my tutoring prices are the same for in person as well as online because, I still implement the same planning and preparation for my students whether we are in person or online. 

I would definitely suggest 6 sessions initially. I give an assessment in the beginning and then I assess your child again after the sixth session. This is when I would typically see some improvement in the area in which your child was struggling. Of course, depending on the severity of the challenge and how much they are keeping up with the assignments I give them and of course their other homework  they may need additional sessions. 

My tutoring sessions are one hour but, I usually go over about 15 minutes. 

Yes, I most definitely incorporate reading passages that talk about Black history, and Black people in general from all around the globe. 

There are a few ways you will be able to tell if your child has made improvements in their reading. First is the assessment I give them after their sixth session, you should see gains they have made. For example, if they started with me knowing only 10 letters and the sound of each of those letters during the initial assessment then, after the sixth one they mastered 20 letters and their sounds that’s an example of improvements they have made. Next, if you see them trying to sound out words on their own, or expressing interest in wanting to read or being read to, is another sign of gains they are making in their reading journey. Also if you see them trying to read signs on buildings, street signs or anywhere there are words, is another sign they are becoming more aware of the print around them, which is one of the keys to building a strong reader.